How My Subscribers & I Dodge The Bulk Of Bear Markets!
In this short, 16-minute video, I’ll show you some tools that I’ve used throughout the years to dodge the bulk of the bear market downtrends of 2000, 2008 and how my subscribers dodged the downdraft of this bear market too!
Here’s the direct YouTube link (which tends to have the clearest replay), or you can click on the video below.
If you’d like to learn how to better maneuver this bear market downtrend in stocks, then simply click the Subscribe button on the home page of and that will give you access to my monthly stock market newsletter (with buy and sell alerts) and weekly videos that discuss my latest thoughts of our portfolio positions and a daily forum, where you can ask your questions…all for only $17 per month. No contract. Cancel anytime directly on the site, via the My Account button.
God bless!
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